In order to utilize the Baseline platform, the very first step is obtaining a login for the system. Every campus has a specific approach for coordinating their use of Baseline. Your campus should have a Baseline Site Administrator who is responsible for coordinating assessment and/or Baseline efforts. Make sure to reach out to this individual to request a login to the Baseline system. If you are not sure if such an individual exists and also are not sure who to contact at Anthology, please submit a ticket OR call our main line at 716.270.0000 to explain your request and inquire about next steps.

Once you have a login to the Baseline system, you can login and begin to take advantage of the many tools and resources available. If you have an assessment project already in mind, you can request the project if it is a survey, build the assessment if it is a rubric, or consult with your Consultant if you would like to conduct a focus group, interview, or other assessment method outside of the system.

If you have additional questions you can contact our Support Team or call 716-270-0000 Monday through Friday 8:00am - 8:00pm

Have more questions? Submit a request