Campuses have three primary options for administering surveys on mobile devices. They are listed below, along with the basic considerations for each option.
1. Campus-owned Apple devices (i.e. iPod, iPhone, iPad) via the SV Mobile App or the Collect App
- Does not require internet connection during data collection, only when synching data into system
- Only one question will display at a time, regardless of device size; ranking questions are not possible
- Survey can be set to automatically loop back to the beginning once completed
- Surveys should be kept under 15 questions with minimal or no open-text response questions
2. Campus-owned tablets (e.g. ThinkPad, iPad, Galaxy Tab2) or laptops
- Requires dedicated internet connection during data collection
- Maximizes size of screen; matrix and ranking questions possible
- Requires entering the generic survey link into the tablet’s web browser; can be set it up to loop so that each time a survey is completed a fresh survey will appear
3. Student-owned smart devices
- Requires students to own a smart phone or other smart device with internet access
- Survey link can be emailed to student or provided through QR code
- Surveys should be kept under 15 questions with minimal or no open-text response questions
See Considerations for Mobile Data Collection for additional information.